GROHE Blue Home C-spout Starter kit
Produkto numeris

GROHE Blue Home Duo – enjoy delicious filtered, chilled and sparkling water from a classic GROHE kitchen tap
- consisting of:
- GROHE Blue Home single-lever sink mixer with filter function
- single hole installation
- C-spout
- push buttons for 3 types of filtered and chilled table water
- still, medium, sparkling
- GROHE Long-Life finish
- GROHE SilkMove 28 mm ceramic cartridge
- swivel tubular spout
- swivel area 150°
- separate inner water ways for filtered and non-filtered water
- flexible connection hoses
- GROHE Blue Home cooler
- delivers 3 liters of chilled water per hour
- 180 Watt cooling unit, 230 V, 50 Hz
- type of protection IP 21
- CE approved
- requires ventilation holes in the bottom of the kitchen cabinet
- compatible with GROHE Blue filter S-Size, M-Size, GROHE Blue activated carbon filter, GROHE Blue Ultrasafe filter and GROHE Blue magnesium+ filter
- GROHE Blue filter S-Size and filter head with flexible water hardness adjustment for regions with water hardness of more than 9° dKH
- for regions with water hardness below 9° dKH please order activated carbon filter 40 547 001
- GROHE Blue 425 g CO₂ bottle
CAD failai
Poz. Nr. | Prod. aprašymas | Produkto nr. |
* priedas | ||
1 | Fitting ring | 07419000 |
2 | Cap | 46581000 |
3 | Lever | 46957000 |
4 | Cartridge | 46580000 |
5 | Mousseur GROHE Blue U and C spout | 48343000 |
6 | Operating unit | 46958000 |
7 | Dirt strainer | 47576000 |
8 | Cooler | 40711000 |
9 | Filter head | 48344000 |
10 | Filter S-Size | 40404001 |
11 | Starter kit 425 g CO₂ bottles (4 pieces) | 40422000 |
12 | Glass carafe | 40405000* |
13 | Activated carbon filter | 40547001* |
14 | Magnesium+ filter | 40691001* |
15 | Cleaning cartridge | 40434001* |
16 | Cleaning cartridge adapter | 40694000* |
17 | Extension set | 40843000* |
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GROHE įsipareigoja suteikti garantinį aptarnavimą, pagal toliau nurodytas garantijos sąlygas, GROHE produktams įsigytiems galutinio vartotojo, kurie pažymėti - GROHE 2+1 metų išplėstinės garantijos ženklu.

Kad ir koks būtų jūsų įsivaizdavimas apie tobulai gaivinantį vandenį - filtruotas, atšaldytas, negazuotas, vidutinio stiprumo gazuotas ar stipriai gazuotas - "GROHE Blue" vandens sistema visa tai siūlo pasirinkti vos vienu mygtuko paspaudimu. Naudodami inovatyvią "GROHE Red" sistemą galite pasiruošti verdančio vandens tiesiai iš čiaupo - saugiai ir akimirksniu."